The VX442C module provides 96 Channels of genral purpose digital input/output with drive/sense/mask with interrupt on failure.
A 32 Channel input module that samples and selectively stores up to 32 bits of data along with 31 bit time tag at rates up to 5 MSPS.
A 64 Channel input module that samples and selectively stores up to 64 bits of data along with 31 bit time tag at rates up to 5 MSPS.
The VX403C allows multipul functions (A/D, D/A, Serial I/O, Relay Drivers, Digital I/O, Servo, Synchro, etc.) to be combined in a single slot. Each IP appears as a separate VXI Instrument.
The VX402C-64 Active Module Carrier allows a 3U or 6U VME, VXI (A or B), or VME64 module to be used in a C-size VXI mainframe chassis.
The VX411C is an intelligent VXI carrier that supports three industry standard PMC modules and on Cardbus module.
The VX406C is an intelligent VXI carrier that supports four industry standard M-Modules and one PMC module.